Old Town San Diego
We’ve been in California for six delightful months now. I’m using GPS less and less now, and we have our favorite spots that we visit each week around town. This includes places like the scooter park and the duck pond. And sometimes when we’ve got a little extra time, we venture out of town to places like San Diego. Last week our family had the pleasure of visiting an area of San Diego called Old Town. Old Town was created in 1769 with only a mission and a fort, and is now an area filled with specialty shops, Mexican restaurants, beautiful succulents and vibrant flowers at every turn. Old Town is a state park that is partly living museum and partly a delightful neighborhood bursting with color, beauty, and California culture.
We popped in and out of shops seeing handmade candles and soaps, original artwork, and jewelry. We visited with a shop owner who explained that Old Town contained the first California business owned by an African-American, a former slave. His freedom papers were found in the wall of the building. I love taking the kids to places with living history like this!
We native Iowans cannot get over the huge, beautiful succulents. They’re everywhere!
The historical architecture and craftsmanship of the buildings are delightful!
If you’re in the San Diego area, be sure to take in the sights, smells, and sounds of the historical gem of Old Town. I know you and your family will love it!
A few other posts about favorite CA areas to visit: