There is a fog of sadness over our nation today. As Americans, we don’t know what tomorrow will bring for our nation or for us. Our “one nation under God” is under attack and we feel helpless. We Americans are experiencing a “mist of fear” if we are paying attention to the goings on in our nation, which is affecting the entire world. This is a good reminder to God’s children that people are imperfect and so are ideologies. And so are nations. Leaders are imperfect. Yet there is One who is PERFECT and will NEVER fail us; One we can turn to during good times and bad times. One who will listen as we seek and cry out to Him. One who will deeply comfort us in times of turmoil. And One who knows what tomorrow, next week and next year will bring. His name is Jehovah GOD, the Great I Am. And God sent His son Jesus to die for sinful man and become Savior our personal Savior if we decide to invite Him in. He rescued us. So, believe in Jesus. Read about what He did for you in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Then read about how his disciples spread the good news of salvation to other parts of the world.
John 14:1 Jesus is speaking and He says, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me.”
What can I do? I am only one. I am only one but I am one and I am significant in God’s eyes. Our heavenly Father has given His children a chest-full of gifts and tools to use here on earth to glorify and proclaim God and to fight against the darkness.

One of those tools is to light up the darkness. How do we do this? We do this by proclaiming God’s word to this world. For it is the word of God which brings faith and truth and transformation. As we place our trust in Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, the Holy Spirit enters in and helps us live righteous lives by counseling and guiding us into all righteousness. John 14:26 “Bu the the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”
Love One Another
The bible commands us to love one another, if we are true followers of Christ. There is no room for hate in our lives. None. Let us examine ourselves. Let us examine our hearts, our words, our conversations.
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34,35. Beautiful isn’t it? Now how do I fill that big order? God will help me.
Prayer Changes Things, ya know?
We all can pray. Pray! Pray in the morning, noon, afternoon and evening. Pray when you go to bed. Pray during the night. Lean in on God. Talk to him. Tell him your heart and ask Him for help. Pray God’s will. He is God and we are not. We never understand the whole picture. He knows everything and He cares about us. Fast and pray. The bible calls His children to fast and pray fervently for His help in times of trouble. We are facing trouble in our nation. Let all of us fast and pray. God will help.
There is a song that goes, “Why so downcast, oh my soul? Put your hope in God.
Psalm 43:5 So, go get your bible. Open it up. Find the book of Psalms. Go to chapter 43. Then put your finger on verse 5. Read it out loud. Smile. Talk to God. He is waiting for you.
Thank you for sharing God’s promises with us during these uncertain times. God Bless you.
Hey Marcia,
Thank you for your compliment. God’s word comforts and gives us security as we lean in to Him. Thanks for taking the time to respond.