Peaches, Peaches, Peaches
Do you have a favorite fruit? Let me know what yours is. Some people refer to fruit as God’s candy. Usually quite sweet, juicy with different textures and colors, the fruit of these trees are found in all of the world. Fruit is loaded with many essential nutrients to strengthen our bodies. Aside from eating, fruit has many other uses such as perfumes, polishes and medicine.
August is the month in Iowa when the YUMMY peaches begin to arrive at our grocery stores and farmers’ markets. First come the Georgia peaches, then Missouri peaches, then Colorado peaches and finally California peaches. I love them all, yet I do have to choose the Colorado peaches for their strong vibrant flavor. How about you?? I’d love to hear your favorite and your peach stories. Maybe a peach recipe from you?
Peach pie is my absolute favorite dessert. The past few years I have been adding a few blueberries which of course changes the color and adds a bit of tartness. The hidden ingredient that makes all peach desserts absolutely irresistible is almond extract. This little bottle is a must ingredient on my spice rack.
Here is my Fav:

Then there is the fresh no bake pie:

I always think of my mom when I see this no-bake peach pie. She gave me the first recipe for this yummy pie.
Do you like cobbler? I do!
Grandma Maxine’s Peach Cobbler

My mother-in-law was a great cook. She introduced me to the delectable almond extract flavoring.
Here’s another cobbler recipe for you to try:

Served with ice cream you just can’t beat it.
Well, are you hungry for peaches yet? I only have 2 peaches left in a bowl on my kitchen counter. Guess it’s time to go to the store. Soon this lovely fruit will be gone, season over; so I’d better get to baking and storing this delightful fruit before it’s to late.
God is good. He has created so many fruits for us to enjoy.
Off I go.
I’ve decided. It’s going to be peach cobbler for me today. How about you?