Pesto and Tomato Chicken, inspired by our trip to Dallas
When my husband learned that he would be travelling to Dallas for work, and graciously invited me to come along, it was a hard decision to make. Would I be able to read and take walks and eat at food trucks during the day while he was at his meetings? Tee hee.
Anyway… off we went to Dallas, a city neither of us had ever visited. In a word, Dallas was DELIGHTFUL.
Spring had sprung there and the weather, trees, and flowers were phenomenal.
The tourist sites that we hit up before and after his classes were interesting.

And a main highlight of our trip was the food, not only because we at some really delicious food, but mostly because there were so many FUN places to eat. There were lots of casual, outdoor spots in unique neighborhoods throughout the city.
Check out this place: The Truck Yard, complete with a tree house, eat in truck beds, and lined with food trucks. We had never seen anything like it. It was like a complete town of food trucks, picnic tables, re-purposed EVERYTHING, and most importantly tons of families hanging out and visiting together. I took this picture from the tree house (where we were eating our sandwiches!!)
We stayed downtown, and one day for lunch I walked to Klyde Warren Park. Full of families, business people, food trucks, a sprinkler park, and lots of shady places to eat, it was fabulous. Here I sat and read and ate one of the most delicious grilled cheese sandwiches of my life. It had chicken, tomato, basil, and mozzarella, and it was heavenly.
Today I was thinking about that park (and sandwich) and I decided to try to recreate its flavors in a meal for our family.
So tonight I made Pesto and Tomato Chicken. Just like that sandwich that I remembered, it had creamy mozzarella, flavorful pesto, and tangy tomatoes. And just like that sandwich, it too was heavenly. Perhaps best of all, it only had four ingredients and was super simple to make.
- 8 chicken breast halves
- 4 T prepared basil pesto
- 1 can Rotel
- ½ C shredded mozzarella
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Spray a baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray.
- Line sheet with chicken breasts.
- Drain the can of rotel and spoon onto the top of chicken.
- Dollop the pesto on top of chicken.
- Bake about 45 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through.
- Pull out of oven, and turn broiler on high.
- Sprinkle mozzarella on top of chicken and return to oven for about 5 minutes or until mozzerella is melted.
Have you ever been to Dallas? What are you favorite places?