I sat down earlier this morning with my planner, a legal tablet, cup of coffee and a pen. Administration is not one of my gifts. There! I said it. I would much rather whip up a meal, a new recipe, clean the house, do the laundry, (you name it!!!) than dig into the book work, the paperwork, the major-decision making criteria that is utterly important. Mrs. Procrastinator lays it aside til “tomorrow”. (Tomorrow I will have lost the planner, the legal pad and the pen. The cup of coffee will be long gone! ) Is there anyone out there who thinks the paperwork just might have a virus, so we should shun it?
As a beef producer, we are quite fortunate to have a deep-freeze with packages of beef……..well…..most of the time. An author on the Today Show a few mornings ago was boasting of her new vegan plant book which instructs of a 14-day diet———————- just the ticket for health, energy and a body cleanse. Mr. Farmer (the real producer of our Iowa beef) and I looked at each other as if to say……Realllllly? I say…..what would I do without my meat (and bread). I LOVE my sandwiches! I cannot stand the thought of going a day without meat.
This time of year with ooooooooodles of planning and preparations to be made, I need HELP. The crock pot and the freezer are the “tickets” for me today. I’ll throw in a package of minute steak, round steak, cubed steak…..(a tougher cut) with a little bit of water, onion, salt and pepper, and I’m done. Then, right before supper, I’ll saute some veggies, build the sandwiches and waaaallllllaa……..supper in a few minutes.

Focus today: Christmas planning and tasks to enjoy while I play some Toby Mac tunes. I LOVE his music!

Speaking of Toby Mac, his music, which means so much to me, is “MY FAVORITES GIVEAWAY” for you! (Enter for your chance to win his Christmas CD below). This Christian pop singer, songwriter is what I call eclectic. His style goes from traditional to contemporary hip-hop to Rap….yep….and everything in-between. Can you be over 60 and still enjoy Rap?? Ummmmhummmm! He makes me smile. He makes me cry. He makes me worship. He lifts me up and causes me to want to lift God up, as well. This time of year, I especially love listening to his Christmas Album: Christmas in Diverse City. Try out his music. You’ll be glad you did!!

Enjoy the day…….give thanks in all things and smile while you contemplate the true meaning behind our busy “HOLY-DAY” season. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst.” I Timothy 1:15. Without Jesus, there would be no Christmas.
I hope you like this recipe. We’re having these Philly (Iowa) Cheese Steak Sandwiches for supper tonight, and I cannot wait to sink my teeth into this big lovely sandwich!!

- • 1 package (2 lbs) Round steak, cubed steak, minute steak, (This is a good recipe for a tougher cut)
- • ½ large onion, thinly sliced
- • ½ large green pepper, sliced
- • 1 C mushrooms, sliced (your preference on type) I like them all
- • 3 T butter
- 1 T olive oil
- provolone or mozzerella cheese
- Bakery buns...I like the heavy artisan type
- Steak sauce, optional. I'm enjoying Country Bob's right now.
- Place meat in crock pot. Salt, pepper, onion and ⅛ C water. Cook 4-6 hours
- Saute veggies in butter/olive oil
- Slice buns, butter and broil for 2 min
- Build sandwich, ending with cheese
- Broil for 2 more min.
My favorite Christmas song is “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear”
My favorite Christmas song is “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.
I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus
My favorite Christmas song is “Dominick The Italian Christmas Donkey”.
Love your giveaway! TobyMac is my favorite artist. I’m almost 40 and still love rap/dance music! My favorite Christmas song is Oh Holy Night. Merry Christmas!
My favorite Christmas song will always be “O Come All Ye Faithful”. No matter how many times I hear it, it never gets old. Happy holidays!
My favourite Christmas song is Adeste Fidelis (Come All Ye Faithful).
Thanks for joining in! I must ask….where are you from. I know it’s not the US because of the spelling of favourite.
Merry Christmas!
Best giveaway ever! Great idea!!
My favorite Christmas song is “The Christmas Song” by Mel Torme.
I like Joy to the World.
I don’t think it’s just a Christmas song but I love “Mary did you know”
My favorite Christmas song is O Holy Night.
My favorite Christmas song would be Silent Night. Love hearing this song!!
I love Silent Night. I love TobyMac, he’s so talented. Thank you for the chance ?