Pickled Pickles

She picked a peck of pickled pickles… and that is how this story goes.

I admittedly (and sort of recently),  learned one can plant cucumbers, and one can plant cucumber pickles.  These are cucumber pickles.

Little did I know what I was doing when I planted the seeds, but they have grown to leaps and bounds that we have pickles, pickles, and more pickles.   They are pretty fun to discover underneath the big leafy vines.  The cucumbers need to be checked almost everyday, as they grow fast!

pickled pickles

Once they are picked, they need to be cleaned and dried and used within a few days.   Or they can be pickled and canned!  This recipe is a variation of this green tomato pickle recipe, which comes from Denise.


pickle plants

pickled pickles

Sometimes, I think canning can sound so intimidating…but it’s actually quite easy for these pickled pickles.   I either slice the cucumbers or cut them into spears (depending on size and how well they fit into the jars).  Once I cut them and place in jars then I place 2 black peppercorns in each jar, a sprinkle of crushed pepper, dill seed, alum, 1/2 of a garlic clove and then fill the jar with the salt water vinegar solution – almost to the brim. Then cook with a rolling boil, hot water bath for about 10 minutes.


pickled pickles

pickled pickles

Pickled Pickles
Recipe type: canning, pickling
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 5 pint jars
  • For each quart:
  • 10 black peppercorns
  • ⅛ t. crushed red pepper
  • 2 t. dill seed
  • ¼ t. alum
  • 2-3 garlic cloves, halved
  • Salt Water Solution:
  • 3 c. water
  • 1 c. vinegar
  • ⅓ c. salt
  1. Cut cucumber pickles and evenly disperse in pint canning jars.
  2. Place 2 peppercorns and half of a garlic clove in each jar.
  3. Mix together red pepper, dill seed, alum and evenly sprinkle in jars (approximately 5 jars).
  4. Pour salt water solution over pickles, and fill jars full.
  5. Tightly close jars.
  6. Bring water to a boil in 2 qt. pot. Seal lids in hot water bath for about 10 minutes.



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