Plattered Fresh Fruit

“Gramma, Anna earnestly pleaded, “Could we have a sleepover before we start school?” “Well, of course!” I quickly replied. “How about Friday night? That’s also pizza/movie night, so we’ll have lots of fun!” Dessert…………we’ll deal with that later. Maybe chocolate chip cookies…………maybe……………..fruit?
All day Friday was spent in Des Moines. On the way home, Jen and I picked up the pizza and the movie. When I got home I realized I had not “sweet treats”–no time to bake cookies. I quickly opened the fridge to see what I could find and asked if Jenny would have time to make a quick fruit platter.

Now…..about this platter! It’s one of my all-time favorite dishes. Got it last year for Christmas from Mr. Farmer and Jen. The company from which it comes is Nora Fleming. The very cool thing about this dish is that it has a little hole in the rim of the platter for a little ornament to be pushed into. So, you can turn this beautiful platter into a seasonal or specific event platter by simply changing out the ornaments. By the way, there are skads and skads of ornaments in which to choose from. Three came with my platter: the pie, a sunflower and a Christmas ornament.
Back to the dessert. Jenny quickly and beautifully arranged the fruit we had in the fridge onto this lovely tray. Didn’t she do a great job? She sprinkled the fruit with a little Splenda which looked like it had been snowed on, and waaallllaaa-within a couple minutes dessert was made. It was beautiful, healthy and made for a perfect centerpiece. I’m don’t know why I think I have to finish off with cookies and a heavier dessert. Everyone LOVES fruit! And it is so beautiful!

- 2 colors of grapes
- strawberries
- Blueberries
- Colorado Peaches (our favorite)
- Splenda
- ½ t almond extract
- Wash and drain fresh fruit; drain. Slice peaches and arrange all on a platter. Sprinkle with Splenda or Sugar and almond extract. (optional)
Everyone enjoyed the fruit platter. Like I said before….fruit goes in a hurry!
And for the movie, we watched “Pattington 2” Pretty cute!
For more fruit desserts, how about:
Better run to the store and grab a nice assortment of some super fresh fruit. Makes my mouth water just looking at it!