Pork Chop Mango Stir Fry

Son, Bill, texted me the other day saying he had dropped off a few packages of pork for us…..said he stuck them in the freezer. NICE!  I smiled when I read the text, for I LOVE pork. I’m a big-time carnivore. To me a meal just doesn’t seem complete without meat.

Last week when the 5 Boyd kiddos were staying with us, Addison and I ran to the store for a “few” things. We came home with a “cart” load. 🙂 One thing not on our list was mangoes. The convo went something like this. Addie: (Eyeing the fresh produce) “Gramma, do you like mangoes?” “Well, I think so but I’ve really never eaten a good-sized bite of a mango,” I replied. We brought 2 home with us. One was gobbled up immediately. The other just sat in the fridge.

OK. Pork Chops for supper, I decided. Threw some olive oil in the hot skillet, floured the pork chops as I normally do and dropped them in; eyed the mango in the fridge. “Hmmmm….how could I incorporate mango into the menu tonight??” I thought.

And what vegetable shall I prepare with these chops? I ducked into the freezer and pulled out a package of frozen stir fry peppers. As I was reading the stir fry preparations, I spied a little recipe on the back of the package for mango stir-fry!! What a co ink ee dink!!

This is what I used.
pork chop mango stir fry

Threw on the veggies.

Added the mangoes and the sauce.

Let it simmer for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile I cooked some rice.


A quick and DELICIOUS  supper in less than 30 minutes. No kidding!

Pork Chop Mango Stir Fry

Pork Chop Mango Stir Fry
Recipe type: Main entree
Cuisine: American/Asian
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 4 servings
Quick and delicious way to fry up a pork chop dinner in little time.
  • 4 pork chops
  • 3 T olive oil
  • ½ C flour
  • Salt and Pepper
  • 1 16-oz package Birds Eye stir fry peppers
  • 1 mango, sliced or chunked
  • Sauce:
  • ½ C orange juice or pineapple juice
  • ⅓ C BQ sauce
  • 4 T soy sauce
  • ½ t ginger
  • 2 T corn starch
  • ⅛ C water
  • Minute Rice, brown or white
  1. Dredge pork chops in flour and place in med hot skillet containing the oil.
  2. Brown on both sides, then continue to cook on medium low.
  3. Add ⅛ water to deglaze skillet.
  4. While meat is cooking, peel and slice or chunk mango and set aside.
  5. In a measuring cup whisk together the juice, soy sauce, BQ sauce and corn starch.
  6. Open and pour frozen veggies on top of pork chops. Place mangoes on top of veggies. Pour sauce over top. Add a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.
  7. Cook minute rice in the meantime.

Oh yeah…..I could eat my pork chops like this again and again and again.

Enjoy, my cyber friends and family! 🙂


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