Pork Chop Mango Stir Fry
Son, Bill, texted me the other day saying he had dropped off a few packages of pork for us…..said he stuck them in the freezer. NICE! I smiled when I read the text, for I LOVE pork. I’m a big-time carnivore. To me a meal just doesn’t seem complete without meat.
Last week when the 5 Boyd kiddos were staying with us, Addison and I ran to the store for a “few” things. We came home with a “cart” load. 🙂 One thing not on our list was mangoes. The convo went something like this. Addie: (Eyeing the fresh produce) “Gramma, do you like mangoes?” “Well, I think so but I’ve really never eaten a good-sized bite of a mango,” I replied. We brought 2 home with us. One was gobbled up immediately. The other just sat in the fridge.
OK. Pork Chops for supper, I decided. Threw some olive oil in the hot skillet, floured the pork chops as I normally do and dropped them in; eyed the mango in the fridge. “Hmmmm….how could I incorporate mango into the menu tonight??” I thought.
And what vegetable shall I prepare with these chops? I ducked into the freezer and pulled out a package of frozen stir fry peppers. As I was reading the stir fry preparations, I spied a little recipe on the back of the package for mango stir-fry!! What a co ink ee dink!!

Threw on the veggies.
Added the mangoes and the sauce.
Let it simmer for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile I cooked some rice.
A quick and DELICIOUS supper in less than 30 minutes. No kidding!

- 4 pork chops
- 3 T olive oil
- ½ C flour
- Salt and Pepper
- 1 16-oz package Birds Eye stir fry peppers
- 1 mango, sliced or chunked
- Sauce:
- ½ C orange juice or pineapple juice
- ⅓ C BQ sauce
- 4 T soy sauce
- ½ t ginger
- 2 T corn starch
- ⅛ C water
- Minute Rice, brown or white
- Dredge pork chops in flour and place in med hot skillet containing the oil.
- Brown on both sides, then continue to cook on medium low.
- Add ⅛ water to deglaze skillet.
- While meat is cooking, peel and slice or chunk mango and set aside.
- In a measuring cup whisk together the juice, soy sauce, BQ sauce and corn starch.
- Open and pour frozen veggies on top of pork chops. Place mangoes on top of veggies. Pour sauce over top. Add a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.
- Cook minute rice in the meantime.
Oh yeah…..I could eat my pork chops like this again and again and again.
Enjoy, my cyber friends and family! 🙂