How awesome it is to have a holiday where we can focus our attention on giving thanks to God for His bountiful grace to us. And in so doing, we celebrate with family and friends surrounding our table. We celebrate by making special dishes to share with one another. We celebrate by reminiscing of the first Thanksgiving and how different that must have been from ours. We celebrate by thinking back to our youth and for me, the big family dinners where we could barely fit into my grandparents’ little house. Somehow we did, though, with much delight of being together once more.
I love this holiday and all it entails. I want to be ready this year. Not talkin’ about the meal. Talkin’ about my heart’s attitude. Do I have a heart full of thanksgiving? A couple days ago, several of our grandchildren were around the supper table. As we said our meal prayer, each added something he/she was thankful for. It was a beautiful moment of children lifting up their thankfulness to our God.
Not certain what all will be served up this Thanksgiving, but I know some of these will be.

Maybe you’ll find this on my Thanksgiving table:
It’s such a good way to incorporate cranberries into the holiday meal.

The above photo was taken several years ago. The kiddos grow and change so fast! One thing is always for certain! They love being together! (They also love desserts! Especially pie!)
I’m at the beginning stages of planning the menu and gathering ingredients for our Thanksgiving dinner. I look forward to all the yummy foods. More importantly, I look forward to gathering around our table and giving thanks for all the blessings the Lord has shown to us.
Is your mind focusing on being thankful to God? Let us rejoice and together count our blessings–name them one by one. Will you share a Thanksgiving blessing with us?
Psalm 26:7b “…proclaiming thanksgiving aloud, and telling all Your wondrous deeds.”