A new school year is just around the corner (how can this be?!?), and whether you home school or send your kids to school, we are all starting to think about our children’s upcoming school year.
Today I want to share with you some of our family’s favorite resources that I’ve written about over the past year. All of these could be used in a home school setting or as supplements for kids who go to school. Click on the links below to see full posts that detail what we love about these resources.
5 Tools for Learning Multiplication
Language Arts-
Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons
3 Ways to Learn Spelling Words
Spelling by Sound and Structure
Favorite Books-
The Moody Series by Sarah Maxwell
The Christy Miller Series by Robin Jones Gunn

Adventure Books (The Story of Ping, Roxaboxen, Andrew Henry’s Meadow)

Social Studies-
Thanksgiving Books (Squanto, The First Thanksgiving, The Thanksgiving Story)
Books About Presidents (Lincoln and Washington)
American History (Pioneers and Patriots)
Favorite Devotional (Bible) Books for Kids
I hope that you’ve found some great resources to make this school year your best one yet. If you have any questions about how we use any of these resources, just leave me a comment. Or send me a comment about the books that you can’t live without. I’m always looking for new ideas, and I love to talk about school!
We have used some of these in our homeschool as well, Thanks for taking the time to compile the list. I can always use suggestions.
Great! What are some of your favorites? I love hearing about new learning things.
Have you ever used “Rockin’ the Standards” for memorizing multiplication tables? They are songs to learn the multiples and work really well with especially the difficult ones to remember. I used them in my teaching and the kids loved them! I found some paper microphones that we made and had a few of the ones that magnify their voices that I picked up at garage sales. They loved using the microphones to sing them over and over. You can get this on Amazon and if you have Unlimited Music, you can stream it for free. There are other math songs on it too. I used them some but not as much as the multiplication ones.
I will check this out! We are always looking for new and interesting ways to learn, so I really appreciate this recommendation! Thank you!