September Scripture Writing

September is almost here! School is starting again and the kids and I noticed a few yellow leaves in our neighborhood today. The cicadas are buzzing loudly outside, and tonight there is just the slightest cool in the air.

September Scripture Writing

I love this time of the year! Summer has been wonderful, but we are now looking forward to football, kids’ activities, and hikes through the woods that are painted in orange, yellow, and red. Harvest will be starting on the farm, and the kids will love the combine rides with Grandpa.  Harvest on the Farm


Here are two scripture writing plans that will make our September really wonderful.

First from Sweet Blessings.  I love her arrow graphics this month- beautiful!

September Scripture Writing Plan from Sweet Blessings

And from The Busy Mom, a plan that focuses on overcoming deception.

September Scripture Writing Plan

Both look great! Which one will you choose? Happy September!

Psalm 119:15 I meditate on your precepts
    and consider your ways.

16 I delight in your decrees;
    I will not neglect your word.

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