I recently started a new Bible study book, and it has been so encouraging and faith-bolstering, especially during these very unique and challenging times. The book that I want to tell you about is Significant: Six Ordinary Women, One Extraordinary God, by Rachel Risner.

This is a study of women in Jesus’ Genealogy, including Sarah, Leah, Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsehba.

God used ordinary, human women to accomplish His amazing plan.
Rachel Risner, Significant
I’ve just finished week one of the study and I learned so much about Sarah, the wife of Abraham. My biggest takeaway was that God was faithful to his promises, despite Abraham and Sarah’s foibles. Even though Sarah and her husband majorly messed up (lies, polygamy, distrust), God still showed them favor and did exactly what he said he was going to do.
God’s protection and blessing proved steady even when Abraham and Sarah faltered.
Rachel Risner, Significant
There are five lessons for each week, and I especially love that each lesson ends with a Truth Takeaway, which is a relevant Bible verse. One Week 1, Day 3, The verse was this: Romans 3:22 NLT “We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.” Wow! What a relief. We can be made right with God no matter who we are.

Something awesome about this book is that Rachel Risner is offering free online video lessons that coincide with each lesson. Check out the intro lesson below:
Isn’t this just perfect at this time when so many of us are not able to go to a Bible study at our home churches? Here’s an idea: invite a group of friends to do the study with you, watch the videos, and then meet on Zoom to discuss what you’ve learned.
So for whom is Significant just right? Well, I think it is perfect for anyone who wants to be encouraged, strengthened, and spurred on to love and trust God more! Are you a new Christian? Are you wondering what it even means to be a Christian? Have you trusted Christ for many years? Each of these groups of women can gain so much from this study because
The Word of God is living and active. Sharper than a two-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
Personally, I am fighting everyday not to be anxious and troubled by all that is going on in our world. I know so many of you are, too. It has helped me so much to place my thoughts on God’s word, not on all that is happening each day. Significant has been such a gift for this time, and I know that you will love it so much, too.
You can find your copy of Significant here.
And good news! We are giving away a copy of this awesome book to one of our dear readers. Just leave a comment below. You could tell us what you’re reading right now, what’s bringing hope and encouragement right now, or just that you’d love to win! We’ll chose a winner this Friday, August 14th. Blessings to you!
The book ‘Significant’ sounds awesome! I’d love to read it.
I am currently reading ‘Be Kind to Yourself: Releasing Frustrations and Embracing Joy’ by Cindy Bunch.
I haven’t read that book but it sounds perfect for right now!
I’m doing a couple of Bible Plans through the YouVersion Bible app.
My teenage daughter uses that app and loves it. Very cool!
What an amazong study this would be.
I’m reading The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader! So good to read this as an adult
I’m reading The Chronicles of Narnia right now! I love reading it as an adult
That’s awesome, Samantha. Those books are so full of hope.
Love this post! Thanks for spreading the word about the study (and more importantly, our hope in God, even during these troubled times!) Because of Jesus – Rachel
I’m so glad that I found your book. I’m learning so much and am so encouraged. This morning, I read and learned all about Tamar. Thank you so much for writing this book!