Snickerdoodle Bars

Snickerdoodle Bars

What’s your favorite cookie? Please respond. I’d really love to know. For me it’s a tie. I love a ranger cookie with the works. I also love snickerdoodles. When I happened onto this recipe the other day, I decided to give it a spin….rotary that is. 🙂 I needed to take a little something to a gathering and this recipe seemed quick and easy. 

Making snickerdoodles
Dropping into an aluminum foil pan was rather unique, but the outcome was grand! First I sprayed the pan with PAM, then layed in the foil. Baked to perfection.
Snickerdoodle Bars. Baked to perfection.
Snickerdoodle bar

They turned out very moist and very easy to remove from the pan because of the foil liner.

Snickerdoodle Bar. Moist and delicious!
Snickerdoodle Bars

Snickerdoodle Bars

Buttery, sweet and cinnamon y goodness. You'll be so glad you made these super easy favorites.
Prep Time 7 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Total Time 42 minutes
Serving Size 12 -16 bars


  • 1 C butter softened
  • 2 C sugar
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/2 t vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 t cream of tartar
  • 2 C flour
  • Topping:
  • 2 T sugar + 1 1/2 t cinnamon


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a 9x13 baking dish with aluminum foil and spray with PAM. In a large bowl cream together butter and sugar; Add salt, eggs and vanilla and continue beating until combined. Add in flour and cream of tartar mix until blended. Scoop dough into baking pan and smooth into an even layer.
  • Topping: stir together sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over dough. Bake 32-35 minutes until edges are lightly browned and bars are set. Cool before serving.



Hope you will give these a try. You’ll be glad you did! And remember to reply about your favorite cookie or bar. 🙂

Have a good one!

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  1. Now how could I possibly forget the flour, for heaven’s sake!!!! But….I did! Just got a text this morning from my friend saying the same thing. So sorry! I edited the recipe. It’s 2 C of flour, by the way.
    Thanks so much for responding and also for being our reader. We feel very honored, Holly.


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