Solar Eclipse & Martha’s Banana Coconut Bread

MS banana bread

I love Martha……Stewart, that is. She is my companion in the kitchen every Saturday as I prepare lunch. I watch her “Martha Bakes” and “Martha Cooks” and I have learned so much from her over the years. She’s steady at the wheel, always giving tips and tricks to her beautiful food presentations. She truly is an expert and I will keep watching and keep you posted on what I have learned.

This MS recipe is an older one. I’ve made it many times and it always gets eaten right up. Quickly. Tonight I placed one loaf in the freezer. I know my family, and I know I’ll be taking it out tomorrow. 🙂

The red pan looks much larger in this picture, but it really isn’t. Both of these pans were gifts. One from Shelby, one from Kay. That’s what I love about gifts. When you’re using them, you always think about that particular person. Don’t cha love that?

Yes, even though this rich bread is delicious by itself, butter always makes it better, no matter what or where or when. 😉


The solar eclipse also occupied a little bit of our time today.  I’m sure a lot of you got in on the action.



We told Maggie that if she was going to watch with us, it was a must she put on the shades. She’s such an obedient dog.

Wow! It truly was incredible to watch the moon move across the sun! This is my 2nd solar eclipse. The first was when I was a little girl in grade school. We used the paper and pin hole method. No shades for us back then. Yes, I got a little excited!

Jenny’s turn to watch. We had approximately 95% totality. Close enough. The temperature dropped about 10 degrees. It went from bright sunshine to a dark cloudy day for a few minutes.  O What an AWESOME experience!!

Then we celebrated with some banana bread, straight out of the oven!

Pretty cool day, I must say.

Martha's Banana Coconut Bread and Solar Eclipse
Recipe type: bread; dessert
Cuisine: American; European
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 2 loaf pan
Quick, delicious and makes a big batch!
  • 2 C sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1⅓ C vegetable oil ( I use corn because we grow corn! 🙂 )
  • 2 T vanilla
  • 3 C flour
  • 1 t soda
  • ¾ t salt
  • 1½ C mashed bananas
  • 1 C shredded coconut
  • ½ C buttermilk
  • 1 C nuts ( I use black walnuts or slivered almonds)
  1. In a large mixing bowl beat together eggs, oil and sugar; add flour, salt and soda. Mix in bananas, coconut, nuts, vanilla and buttermilk.
  2. Pour evenly into 2 loaf pans. Bake 60-65 minutes at 350 degrees. Remove from pans immediately and place on cooling rack.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.”

Psalm 19:1

Amen and Amen!

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