Strawberry Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting

Ava and I made these strawberry cookies the other day.  We really enjoyed the cream cheese frosting, and the sprinkle cookie decorating that was to follow – probably lasted about 45 minutes.  I was amazed how she was getting so detailed in her cookie decorating – this was a first!  Of course, this did not come without a few sprinkles on our floor, but it was worth it!


Strawberry Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting
Recipe type: desserts
Cuisine: American
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 3 dozen
  • 1 box of strawberry cake mix (Pillsbury)
  • 1 egg
  • ¼c. oil
  • ¼c. water
  • 8 oz. cream cheese
  • 3 c. powdered sugar
  • ½t. vanilla
  • sprinkles (if desired)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a large bowl, combine cake mix, egg, oil, and water. Stir by hand until ingredients are evenly combined. Scoop dough by tablespoon portions and roll between your hands to make a smooth ball. Set on cookie sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes, until slightly cracked on top and just lightly golden around the edges. Be careful not to over bake. Allow to cool on a wire rack.
  3. To prepare the frosting, in the bowl of an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese until smooth. Add in the powdered sugar, and vanilla. Continue to beat until fully incorporated.
  4. Using a spatula or knife, spread frosting on top of cooled cookies and garnish with sprinkles.




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Pink lady making (more like eating) pink cookies

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