1983 was a very good year………a very good year for Strawberry Shortcake EVERYTHING! Every little girl had to have a strawberry shortcake dolly or game or kitchen or dishes or………well, you get the picture. Guess what 3-year old, Annie, requested for her June birthday? Yep… A Strawberry Shortcake dolly. But that’s not all she requested. She also requested strawberry shortcake for her birthday cake. And since 1983, if my failing memory hasn’t failed me in this area, she has received strawberry shortcake for her birthday…….EVERY SINGLE YEAR! Guess who else loves strawberries? ME!

Did you notice the missing shoes and bonnets? A big Strawberry Shortcake dolly has on a newborn dress of Annie’s. 🙂
Ok…..back to the scrumptious strawberry shortcake which is one of my all-time favorite desserts! Always has been. When I was a little girl, Mom and I would spend many hours in our strawberry patch and in Grandma Ruby’s, as well…..always praying the snakes would go play and shade themselves under the melon leaves! Today I take the lazy woman’s way out, (as my father-in-law used to say)! I purchase those lovely huge berries at the store. And when in season, (June) they are mouth-watering delicious! Allow me to share my favorite recipe with you……
- 2 C flour
- 2 T sugar
- 3 t baking powder
- ½ t salt
- 1 stick butter or margarine or ½ C shortening
- 1 beaten egg
- ⅔ C half and half or whole milk
- 1 C whipping cream or Cool Whip
- 6 cups fresh strawberries
- 2 containers frozen crushed strawberries
- Sugar or Sweetener (optional)
- Sift dry ingredients together in large bowl
- Cut in butter until course crumbs
- Combine beaten egg and milk; add at once stirring until moistened.
- Spread dough in 2 greased, round cake pans. Sprinkle top with water and spoon a little sugar atop each pan. Bake approx 14-16 min until golden brown. When baked, remove from pan and cool on racks. Once cooled, store in air-tight container to keep moist.
- Serve up cake, top with mixed strawberries and whipped topping. Enjoy my friends!

This Strawberry Shortcake girl of mine is also a Proverbs 31 girl. Check out what it says during your “quiet time” today. She is an amazing woman of God!

6 little girls have spent many many hours playing with the Strawberry Shortcake dollies: Annie, Jenny, Olivia, Addison, Ava and Anna.
Sometimes…………..once in a great-great while, I’m glad I’m not a pitcher, but a saver. 🙂