Sugar-Free Valentine’s Treats

Valentine’s Day is this weekend! What a wonderful day to share love with those around us.

We love because he first loved us.

I John 4:19

How do you plan to spend Valentine’s Day? I hope you have a spouse or child or grandchild or neighbor or friends whom you could share a little extra love with a treat or a special card or note. If you can’t think of anyone, ask God to help you. He’ll bring someone to mind.

I thought today that I would do a round-up of some sugar-free treats that would be perfect for Valentine’s Day. More and more people are eliminating sugar from their diets, and why not when you can have treats as delicious as these, right?

Here are a few of my favorites:

Sugar-Free Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Sugar-Free Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Sugar-Free French Silk Pie

Sugar Free French Silk Pie
Sugar -Free French Silk Pie

Sugar-Free Cheesecake

Sugar-Free Jello Jigglers

Directions : Just use 4 boxes of Sugar-free Jell-O and follow the directions on the box. Cut out with a heart-shaped cookie cutter.

Valentine's Jello Jiggler Hearts

Sugar-Free Mochaccino Cake

Sugar Free Mocaccino Cake

Sugar-Free Fruit Pizza

Keto (Sugar-Free) Fruit Pizza

And here is an entire Valentine’s Dinner planned out for you. We make this at our house, but I substitute the mochaccino cake for the brownie torte. I promise you; its just as good!

A Valentine's Dinner

You can find lots of other great ideas here!

Favorite Valentine's Treats

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends!

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

I Corinthians 13:13

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