Table Life Book

This year for my birthday, Shelby gave me a book called Table Life by Joanne Thompson. Shelby didn’t know it at the time, but she was giving me an absolutely perfect gift for this stage of life, when I am compelled to show more hospitality.

Table Life

Table Life is a book about Christian hospitality, something with which I’ve been wrestling. I know that the Bible teaches us to show hospitality, but I often seem to get it confused with entertaining. Instead of thinking about the blessings and joy that come when inviting others into my home, I instead get hung up on other concerns. I worry that my house won’t be clean or stylish enough, I worry that my kids won’t be quiet enough, and I worry that the food won’t taste good enough. Do any of you ever get hung up on worries like this?

Table Life is all about taking the focus off of making things perfect, and instead turning to Christ’s example of finding rest and community around the table. Through reading this wonderful, restful book, I am learning to savor the blessings that come from sharing my table with family, friends, and new acquaintances. As Thompson writes, “It’s an invitation to balance your going life with Christ’s gifts waiting to be opened, enjoyed, and shared at home, where your feet slide under the dinner table.”


“When it’s all said and done, life is about God’s gift of relationship. Table Life is a guide to help us savor the liberating presence of Christ around our tables. Get ready to receive. ” Joanne Thompson, Table Life

Not only does this book teach about hospitality, but Thompson also shares warm memories and stories about hosting others in her home. She also gives some simple recipes and ideas to help us start showing God’s love through our food and our kitchen tables.

Table Life 4

p.s. I contacted Mrs. Thompson awhile back to tell her how much I am enjoying and learning from Table Life. To my surprise, she wrote back a friendly, encouraging email. It was a delight to hear from the author of this tremendous book!

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One Comment

  1. I love the author’s idea of having soup and homemade bread ready for company! The meal is simple and nourishing – and it is breaking bread together!

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