Take Down Day
A Bit of Sadness
The Christmas decorations and dishes are packed away until the day after Thanksgiving 2019, God willing. A bit of sadness has swept over me. The end of the holiday season has come today. This year was probably the longest celebration of Christmas and New Year’s I can remember. Our California crew came early, the 13th, and stayed for several days. Oh what fun we had–all 20 of us, including Dad. The weather was especially temperate for Iowa, so there was a lot to do outdoors. The CA kids were hoping for some sledding. Maybe next year! Then the next wave was my immediate family, my 3 brothers and wives from NY, MO and NE Iowa, along with our nephew and his family from MO. Another wave of warmth, love, gifts and long fulfilling conversations. It was a grand time. Then, a few days later, Bill and Shelby took off for an early anniversary celebration and we enjoyed several days of their three children staying with us. We played games, we chored, we ate then ate some more, gobbled down at a fun restaurant and tried some mini-gulf. We read stories, rubbed backs and listened to precious snoozing across the hall and got to know each child just a little bit better. Precious!
A Bit of Organization
Honestly, taking all the decorations down and getting things back to normal (if there really is a normal around here) isn’t my favorite thing to do, yet I feel relieved when I’m finished up. Sometimes I get in a hurry, shove items in boxes and decide to sort out, keep and toss for the next time around. Today was different because of Jenny. Jenny is much more scheduled and organized than me. I fly by the seat of my pants a lot of the time and Jenny methodically labels and properly packs each item whether breakable or not. (You would definitely want her to pack up your dishes for a move!) But today was different and I am quite satisfied now that the big task has ended.
No, I don’t keep all the boxes of items I cherish. No, I don’t spend time wrapping and wrapping and wrapping. What I used for my tools today were a very few items: 1 cell phone to take photos; 1 roll of masking tape; plastic grocery bags and totes (preferably see-thru)
A picture is worth a thousand words. It really is to me. Creativity is not my strong suit, so I copy. (I love you, Pinterest!) I was happy with the way the decor turned out this season. Simplicity kind of took over and I felt better about it. Trouble is–I won’t remember what I placed where next year, so that’s where all the easy labels and snapshots come in so handy.
Like hanging this metal tree with “rejoice” sign attached in the middle of the light fixture, along with the greenery tucked under the candle lights.
A Bit of Remembering
Nativity sets are my all-time favorites. I can gaze at them for a long time thinking about the first Christmas and how amazing it must have been. Young Mary. Seeing and believing an angel….in total submission. Young Joseph. Shepherds. Wise men from way far East, following a……star. Gold…the frankincense and myrrh and what they represent. The dreams God gave Joseph, letting him know everything was okay. Wow! Having a baby in a barn as there was NO WHERE ELSE! Yes, I never tire of the Christmas story. Never.
These are inexpensive resin figures purchased at Hobby Lobby a years ago. They fit this little table nicely, so I will leave them there. Shopping for a stable during after holiday sales is just the ticket. Bargain shopping is quite important to me. Again, these figurines were wrapped in plastic grocery bags, placed in another bag with a piece of tape on it which said, “Living Room” stand and placed in a see-through tote. Between the photos and the masking tape labels, I’ll know exactly where they will go, not having to re-decorate.
Oh Christmas Tree. How lovely are your branches. Late at night when all the lights are out, I can gaze at the tree and be mesmerized. I love it!
See that little candy cane hanging there? An ornament from one of the kid’s kindergarten Christmas craft day in which I got to be a part of. What a wonderful memory.
The past few years, Jen puts up and takes down the tree and fills it completely full of our ornaments. Almost every one signifies and brings to mind the special relationship with that person. There are some very old ornaments our children made when in pre-school and kindergarten; yes…quite tattered and torn. I just can’t bring myself to tossing them. Maybe next year. The memories come when l look at each one. Wonderful memories.
These little carolers have been welcoming our guests for well over 30 years now. I purchased this hanging wooden craft at a sale when our children were young. We know where it goes!
The flower market tin holder is a piece that stays all year round. I place seasonal flowers in it, ushering in the next season. The poinsettias have been put away. Maybe only evergreen will be placed in for a couple months.
Isn’t that ornament cookie jar so cute?? Our nephew and wife gave this to us many moons ago. Every time I set this out I think of them and their 6 beautiful children. It even has a rubber seal to keep the cookies fresh. Thank you, Matt and Marcine for this. That’s the lovely thing about a gift. You remember the people–the relationships. That’s what the Lord wants from us. He wants us to have a great relationship with Him and with one another……always. The checkered platter was used for Christmas because of its color. This is a piece I can use for a meal or to decorate. I love it!
As you can read, the “things” are representations of people…of relationships…….of the real meaning of Christmas. I think it truly is the most wonderful time of the year.
A Bit of Excitement
Yes, I must say I look forward to 2019. Yes, I always make a resolutions list. Yes, I’ve started, but for how long?? Heard on the radio to do one thing each month, so you only need 12 resolutions. Not a bad idea. One resolotuion I will continue to work on: following God.
May God bless you all in 2019. May you seek to follow Him closer than you ever have and be filled with the Holy Spirit and with much JOY. It is a choice.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
Galatians 5:22, 23
Your blog is very uplifting and I was thrilled to find it this week. I will anticipate joining you from my Montana home as we walk together this year learning what our Lord and Savior has in store for us. At 80, I still have a love for new recipes, too
How wonderful! I’m so glad you’re here!
Denise is my Heartfelt “Fruitful” Friend!~ AND~ She is running that “Race” of being a godly(Titus 2) woman with lots of Zeal!!!:)