I am thankful for…
My family
My pets
My School..
The list goes on… Hello friends! Today is a beautiful, sunny fall day here in Iowa! As we are getting closer to the holidays, it can also be a stressful time of year for many. This year in particular, has been so unpredictable and unexpected. There have been so many things cancelled or done in a different way, many of our natural daily routines have been shifted. Others are working from home and / or virtual events are a new commonoality. However, I am continuing to make it a part of my daily life to notice “thanfkulness” as I often think of this with the end of harvest and entering into November.
Psalm 100:4 4Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, but it can be easy to lose sight of having a heart of gratitude during distractions and busy-ness. It’s such a simple and wonderful practice, maybe even seems a bit juvenile. I thought this Thankful Tree would be a great way for the kids to add a new item or “blessing” everyday, but as I often discover, I may be the one getting the most from it. With this habit, I can find many blessings I take for granted all around me. When I stop and notice, my heart overflows again. The Lord has given us so much, including the best gift, his son Jesus. A relationship with Christ and forgiveness of our sins forever is what he promises. Be reminded of this free gift today!
Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
What are you thankful for today, friend?
I invite you to join us with your own thankful tree or even just writing something new down each day in a journal or pretty piece of paper. You’ll be so glad you did!
Reading your story and seeing Jack and Ava on the floor writing/drawing their reflections of gratitude reminds me of when you and Bob would do something similar with your give cousins at Granny and Pop-pop’s home in Avoca. I still have a Christmas scroll of drawings you all made for the sliding doors in the den at Christmas. Being a memory-keeper, it’s rolled up in a drawer. Hmmm…thinking we may hang it for the holidays! God is good. All the time. Amen.