As many of you readers know, our family homeschools. We have five kids, currently ages 16 to 9, and in August we will start our 12th year of homeschooling. (Funny story…my husband and I said we would try it for “just one semester,” and I don’t think either one of us thought it would work.)
As you can guess, I love homeschooling! It has been one of the biggest blessings of my life. And I also love homeschooling books! Today I’m going to tell you about a new book, The 4 Hour School Day, How You and Your Kids Can Thrive in the Homeschool Life, by my friend Durenda Wilson.

Throughout the years, I have learned so much from Durenda, who is a homeschooling mom of eight children. I first heard her on a podcast, and then read her first two books, and she has always been so encouraging. I think that my favorite thing about her is that she consistently reminds me to fully trust God with my kids in their education and for everything in their lives. She always reminds me to abide in the Lord and rest in his promises, specifically in being a mom.
We have shared her first two books on The Gingham Apron. If you want to check out these wonderful works, just click on the picture.

So last fall, when I heard that Durenda was writing a new book, The 4 Hour School Day, I was so excited! She has more than twenty-five years of home education experience, so I knew that I would learn a lot in this book.

The book arrived in the mail a few weeks ago, and I couldn’t put it down. Durenda writes honestly about her family and all of the good and not so good experiences. She generously shares her life so that other families can find rest, joy, and success in their home school experiences. She covers topics that include nurturing independent leaners, overcoming obstacles, and passing on our faith to our kids. I especially loved her chapter called “The Sky’s the Limit,” which focused on the high school years (I’ve got two high schoolers right now.)

Another fantastic component of this book is the Real-Life Application section at the end of each chapter. These reflection questions help you sort out your thoughts and goals about your children’s education. I think it would be so fun to have a book club with this book and go through the questions with friends.

If you are a homeschooler or are even considering homeschooling, this book is for you. You will be encouraged to seek God’s will for your kids and their education. You will be bolstered in your belief that God has a wonderful plan for each of your kids, and that you are the perfect parent for them.
P.S. Are you curious about the title of this book? Can a child be schooled in just 4 hours a day? The answer is yes! You’ll have to read the book to find out more about that.
GIVEAWAY! Would you like to win a copy of this book? We will be giving away a copy to one of our readers on Wednesday, July 28th. Just leave a comment below.

Yes please! I am new to homeschooling, and this coming school year my son is going to have more subjects compared to last year. Knowing how to not take all day, and make it enjoyable would be awesome.
I am planning to begin homeschooling my 5 year old daughter this fall. I am interested in the book because I vasillate between confidence and doubt, in myself and my decision to homeschool.
I think I might need to get this book for my daughter. She and her husband are expecting their first child in a couple months and they are already talking about their children’s educational future. They are weighing out the options between public education and homeschooling. This book might just be the encouragement they need to lean in the homeschooling direction.
I read her her other 2 books as well and really enjoyed them!
Catchy title, dreamy concept! After years of wanting to but not quite taking the homeschool plunge, we did it last year, and it was a success! My youngest recently said that she couldn’t’ wait for school to start again, because she gets to stay home.
Wonderful! It’s so great that kids can enter into a new schoolyear in the comfort of their home with no anxiety.
Rebecca, you are the winner of the giveaway! Can you please send your mailing address to us at and I will pop the book into the mail.
Thanks so much for entering!
My daugter plans to homeschool and this book sounds like a must read for her!
Thank you for sharing information about this book and author. I would love to read the books.
This sounds like a wonderful resource! Reminds me of a friend who was sharing a similar experience with her children. Looking forward to future homeschooling
Looks like a great book that would be very encouraging and helpful!
This sounds like an excellent book! Our daughter-in-law will begin homeschooling our granddaughter this fall. As grandparents, we are excited to help and support this endeavor. Thanks for the giveaway.
Brenda, One of my favorite parts of homeschooling is that our shorter school days and flexible schedule has allowed our kids to spend more time with their grandparents. I hope this is the case in your family as well! That’s so wonderful that you are supporting your daughter-in-law in this endeavor.