On this rainy, October day, my five children and I are enjoying time together ALL day inside. On days like this, I find that I need to keep my mind focused on the benefits of homeschooling. In all areas of my life, I need to have a spirit of gratitude and not of grumbling so that I can see the gifts that God has given me. This includes the gift of homeschooling!
Because I am the list-making type, I made the following list of five things we love about homeschooling. In my list, I included specific examples from today.
1. Efficiency. My second-grader spends about two hours a day completing her schoolwork. Example from today: We started school at 9:00, and she was finished with spelling, English, and math by 9:45. She took a quick snack and play break and then finished her other four subjects before lunch.
2. Discipleship. Conversations about God, his Word, and a godly life come up through the day as we learn about history, science, and even math. It is a privilege to be able to train my children in God’s ways throughout our daily tasks. Example from today: While learning about the metamorphasis that caterpillars undergo to become butterflies, my kindergartener and I discussed the life metamorphasis that God offers us through his son Jesus.
3. Life-skills. My children are not only learning academics but also practicing important life-skills. Example from today: My kindergartner helped me cook lunch and my second-grader played with her baby brother. Cooking and childcare are skills not typically practiced in a traditional elementary school setting.
4. Rest. Homeschooling provides a slower-pace of life for our family. Example from today: Right now as I type this, my three sons are napping and my two daughters are reading books on their beds. I love it that their growing, busy bodies get to slow down and recoup in the afternoons for an hour or two.
5. Spending time together. The countless hours that we spend together each day are helping us grow closer as a family. Example from today: My kindergartner helped her two-year old brother color a picture of balloons this morning. He felt so happy to be included in a big-kid activity like that, and she learned what a joy it is to serve others.
So, for you homeschoolers out there… what are some things that you love about homeschooling? And for everyone… what are some things that you are grateful for today?