The Nesting Place

the nesting place book

I originally posted a review of this book back in 2014 (have we been blogging that long?  Crazy!)  I had a very vivid reminder of this book today and the great information and pointers it contains!    It has been one of those weeks…one of those weeks you ask?  A week filled with chaos, mess and destruction.  Anyone else have those?  The major cliff notes of the week are:  having to power wash a rug, yes I said power wash, you don’t want to know the details?  Which followed up with ripped porch cushions, a broken lamp, huge scratch in our floors and two dinosaurs being flushed down the toilet.   Yep, a stegosaurus and a spinosaurus, (my 5 year old dinosaur loving child was in tears).  

I am happy to report, that with the help of professionals, the dinosaurs have been dislodged from the toilet.  However, not without major scratching to the finish off the toilet.   Yep, our sparkling white, basically new toilet, now has what appears to be permeant poop stains.  (Insert huge sigh) I am not sure it is appropriate to say poop in a blog post, but I just can’t think of any better description.  Ha!    For some reason, the scratched toilet did me in, I had more than I was willing to take.    Yesterday  morning I was telling a sweet friend of mine about it, hoping she may have some home remedy on how to fix a scratched toilet.  (Should I add that while we were standing in her driveway the kids were running wild and one even climbed on top of the van)   She did not have a remedy for the toilet, but she did offer something for my attitude.  She said something like this, “Well, you will now have a reminder of this fun time in your life and a great talking point for your guests…No, it’s not dirty, it’s actually from when John flushed a couple dinosaurs down the toilet.”   Oh, she was right and today when I went into that bathroom, I actually smiled and giggled at the scratch.  Which immediately reminded me of this book, The Nesting Place.

It’s not about a perfect home but about the memories and love inside.  I now have a permanent reminder of the wild days of child rearing three young kids.  Now, that is perfect.   🙂

perfect manifesto the nesting place

Review below from 11/14:

I received this book, The Nesting Place as a birthday gift.  It is currently one of my favorite books and I recommend it to any woman who wants a beautiful home!   The Nesting Place, is full of ideas, revelations and support on how to make your home beautiful.  Hint: It doesn’t have to be perfect!

This book hit home with me, as we had just recently moved into a new home we built.  I wanted it to be “perfect”…you know, right out of a Pottery Barn magazine.  I was concerned about the wood floors getting scratched and putting holes in the walls.  Then, I received this book, I couldn’t put it down.  It has given me a whole new perception on what a beautiful house is.  A beautiful home is not perfect, it is not expensive and my goodness there are nail holes in the wall and scratches on the floors…it’s a lived in, a loved in, a beloved personal space!

If you are looking to buy a gift for your mom, sister or friend, I recommend this book by Myquillin Smith….you will be happy you did!

photo courtesy of

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  1. We had a horrible scratch in our toilet from my husband trying to dislodge a Tylenol bottle. It looked like someone had been real sick. 😉 One day, I’m not sure how long…months, a year, I noticed the scratches were gone. I’m not sure if it’s our hard water but they were buffed out. Recently my husband scratched the inside with a bad cleaning brush, again. Those are gone now too. One can hope. 🙂

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