The Simple Difference by Becky Keife + a giveaway
Hey guys! How is your January going? Have you been reading any good books during these chilly winter days?
I have been reading The Simple Difference, How Every Small Kindness Makes a Big Impact by Becky Keife, and I can’t put it down!

Something that is prevalent in time in history is a true lack of kindness, right? We are hurried, burdened by all sorts of new trials, and weighed down by our own responsibilities and concerns. Sometimes I notice a general coldness when I’m observing people as they are running errands, and the added barrier of face-masks have not helped. Add to this that many people are isolated and very afraid of the pandemic, and the opportunities to show and received kindness to show kindness are hard to come by.
So I picked up The Simple Difference and I thought to myself, “I really hope that this book is hope-filled and not task-filled.” As much as I want to be kind to others, sometimes it just feels as if I can’t add one more thing to my plate.
The apostle John reminds us that this kind of love-in-action wasn’t intended just for Jesus. “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for out brothers and sisters.” Jesus set the example. We get to follow.
Becky keife, the simple difference
And I was delighted to find that this book helps the reader to discover countless opportunities for impact right where you are. Keife, a truthful, humble author and mom of three young boys, helps the reader to exchange distraction for intention and make every day count. Her stories are so powerful and endearing, and I love all of the ideas to show kindness right where I am. I am inspired to make a difference with each one of my days.

Rather than telling you to do more, The Simple Difference shows you how to see more: more of the people in front of you, more of God’s lavish love for you, more of His power within you.
the Simple Difference
I really enjoy the end of each chapter where there are “Keys to Living The Simple Difference,” including prayer, actionable ideas, and a declarative response. Very powerful and very helpful!

GIVEAWAY! The author of The Simple Difference has generously gifted a copy of this delightfully powerful book plus a companion bible study, Couragous Kindness, a lovely (in)courage study, for one of our readers. It would be lovely to go through this book and Bible study with a group of friends, bouncing new kindness ideas off one another. Just leave a comment below! You can tell a time when kindness was shown to you, or you can just say, “I’d love to read this book!” (We’ll pick a random winner on Wednesday, February 2nd.)
I’m always looking for my next study, and I think this one is a perfect fit! I made a bookmark that says “…help me to love others with what is already in my hand “❤
fantastic! I would love to go through the Bible study with some friends.
I try my best to be kind every day, this looks like a really good book!
IG said this had just gone live but this post says ends January 2nd. Anyway… I’d love to read this book!
I’d love to read this book!
I would love to read this book. I love striking up conversations with strangers while shopping.
You sound like my mom! She makes new friends everywhere.
The site says the giveaway ends January 2nd.
I fixed it to February! Sorry about that.
This book sounds wonderful! I’d love more inspiration to do more kind things and share God’s love with others!
I just ordered The Simple Difference from Barnes and Noble!
I am looking forward to reading this wonderful book.
Thank you for using this as your giveaway. It will be a blessing to someone.
( I have one on the way:)
Thank you, Annie, for introducing us to this amazing book study! Kindness is such a simple reflection of God’s love and the world needs this now more than ever!❤️
Would love to read this book as I find your review most inspiring…Would share this book with other women as I put this idea of seeing more into action. Am experiencing an abundance of kindness in my journey…Am reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelations this year. Thank you for sharing this book review…Mary
I would love to read this book!! I want to be sensitive and see hurting people and reach out to them. What you have shared about this book sounds like some good stuff.
I would love to read this book!
Looks like a great book! I’d love to win a copy! I’m in South Dakota – can use all the warm reads I can find these days!
When I was I’ll, my friends came around me by coming over and decorating my house for Christmas (and then came back & put it all away after Christmas). They also brought meals during one of the busiest times of the year.
I would love to read this book then pass it on to others!
I would love to read this book!
I’d love to read this book! It would be excellent to share with others.
I would love to read this book! How I would love to be there and recognize when praying with friends or strangers is needed and then to follow through. I had loved ones and strangers be so kind when my husband and I lost everything in a hurricane. It is my turn to learn when and how to give back. This book sounds wonderful!
I would love to read this book! It sounds wonderful!
“…To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, that is to have succeeded.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
I think of this quote when I think of extending kindness to someone.
Sherry, it’s so good to hear from you. This quote is so powerful! I’m going to write it down so I can remember it. Love it!
Thank you for the review and info. I would love to read “The Simple Difference”.
I would LOVE to read this book!!!!
I’d love to read this book.
I’d love to read this book! Thank you for this chance you are offering. 💗
When I read your page. I
thought this is what I need I felt a longing to read this book Loved how you all described the book, Mae me say pick me pick me.. I love giving but with today’s covid I need new fresh ideas.
I’d love to read this book! Thank you.
This would be a perfect book to go thru with my ladies group!!!
Really enjoy your emails and recipes you share. Thank you. Would be grateful for opportunity to be awarded these books. I would like to learn more how to have “ heart eyes” and see where GOD is working more clearly
I would for sure love to read this book!!! Sounds lovely!!! Thanks for the opportunity!
The title if this book brings me joy! I can’t even imagine how the contents of this book would bless us.
The title if this book brings me joy! I can’t even imagine how the contents of this book would bless us. Thank you for sharing.
I would love to read this book!
I would love to read this book then share it with my adult daughter and daughters in law. 💕
I’d love to read this book!
I would love to read this book!
Sounds like the book I need right now.
I would love to read this book!
I think this seems like the perfect book to read and share with a friend.
I would love this read. Sounds so inspiring.
My daughter’s birthday is this month and I’d like to win it for her. She loves to open her home to everyone and definitely has the gift of hospitality. I know she would love to read this book. It’s right up her alley.