The Sound of Music
Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Psalm 95:1

What is it about the sound of music? Often times, I will go about my day and forget to turn on the music – that favorite cd or radio station. Then I realize how much I miss it, and how much of a wonderful change it is in my day.
With kids at home, we all enjoy the music to our ears. It is another component that can enhance our attitude and focus in a positively fantastic way! We like to listen to it while we clean…it adds that extra skip to our step. We listen to music in the car, while we are traveling ( I definitely recommend it!). We listen to music to dance and burn some energy. Kids especially love to sing along to favorite songs that are familiar and fun. I think it can help break up monotony – if the day can seem repetitive.

One of my favorite movies is, “The Sound of Music.” The setting is so inspiring amongst the magnificent Swiss Alps, a destination I would love to visit someday in Salzburg, Austria. As a child, I used to pretend to be one of the Von Trapp children, Leizl to be exact.

You see, I have little to no music abilities, but I sure appreciate those who do. I wish I could sing and play the guitar just like Maria. What a gift to be able to perform so genuinely, casually, and sporadically. What a blessing for the children to grow up surrounded with music. One of the most pivoting scenes in the movies is when Captain Von Trapp tells Maria, “You’ve brought music back into the house.” And what a difference this made – to bring the music and the joy back into the home.
In an effort to bring back more music to your home… I invite to try some of these favorite uplifting radio stations and CDs we enjoy. We’d love to hear about some of yours, too!
Veggie Tales – Silly Songs with Larry
Songs Kids Really Love to Sing