Afternoon Tea
My copper kettle
whistles merrily
and signals that
it is time for tea.
The fine china cups
are filled with the brew.
and sweet cream, too.
But, best of all
there’s friendship, between you and me.
As we lovingly share
our afternoon tea.
~Marianna Arolin
Flowers and dresses, cloth napkins and tea pots. Fancy sandwiches, chocolates, manners and good conversation. Smiles and laughter, stories of old, games and updates, recipes new and old. Hugs and kisses, prayers and faith, listening ears and manners galore, gracefulness and feelings of love and support and contentment around this table, knowing we are loved, accepted, trusted, secure in each other’s fond friendship and kinship.
Time to catch up and enrich our relationships with our loved ones.
“And when will we do this again, Mama?” And Mama replied, “Soon, dear. Very soon.”
“A new command I give you: Love one another….By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34,35