Unhurried Grace- a Fantastic New Devotional for Moms {and a giveaway!!}

An author and speaker whom I love is Durenda Wilson. Are you familiar with her? She’s a mom of eight kids, so she knows what she’s talking about. 🙂 She has a fantastic, practical, encouraging podcast that I listen to each week as I fold laundry, clean the bathrooms, etc! If you are looking for an encouraging podcast, check it out here.

Unhurried Grace for a Mom's heart

Durenda is the author of one of my favorite books about homeschooling, The Unhurried Homeschooler. I loved this book because it relieved so many anxieties and pointed me to seek God’s wisdom for our family’s homeschooling journey.

I think that Durenda is a favorite because she truly values simplicity. She consistently encourages moms to just keep turning to God’s Word for wisdom and guidance. She reminds her readers that God is faithful, good, powerful, and He cares for us so very much.

Unhurried Grace for a Mom's Heart

A few weeks ago, she released a new book, a devotional for moms called Unhurried Grace For A Mom’s Heart. Unhurried Grace. The title alone just gives sense of peace and rest, doesn’t it? And in this book, she once again simply guides women back to God’s amazing Word.  There is so much hope in God’s Word, moms.

Unhurried Grace for a Mom's Heart

Unhurried Grace For A Mom’s Heart is a thirty one day devotional. Each day begins with a section of Scripture. I really like that several verses are studied instead of just a single verse. To me that eliminates the risk of taking a verse out of context, and it also helps me really understand God’s Word better.

Unhurried Grace for a Mom's Heart

After the Scripture passage, Durenda writes a short, simple, encouraging devotion for each day.  Each day’s short writings are the perfect size to begin your day.There are many topics covered in this book, but her are some of my favorites:

  • Trusting God to provide
  • Living to please God, not others
  • Learning to listen to God’s still, small voice
  • Casting our cares on Him

And then each day ends with a place for reflection, some room to write down what God is teaching your through His Word. This past month, I have loved starting my days off with this lovely book.

Unhurried Grace for a Mom's Heart

Great news! Durenda is giving one of our readers a signed copy of her new book! Yay!  Enter below. The giveaway ends February 28th.

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  1. It used to be loving on my horses. WE have been trying to sell our house for too long now, so we rehomed the big animals. I haven’t found a place yet, not here anymore. Praying for the next house.

  2. My favorite place is in my chair by the window. My second favorite is 6:30 am prayer and study time with my two neighbor friends before we begin busy days. I’d love to share this book with them.

  3. My favorite place is snuggled up on the couch or in a chair by the window with a cup of coffee, but as a mom of three little ones, I don’t stay in one place for long!

  4. Every morning after I make my coffee I pray & read my Bible in my living room. This sounds like a great devotional.I also read a devotional every morning.Thank you for the chance ☺

  5. i love to just relax and look out the window on cool days and warm days i love to be out in the garden

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