The morning is quiet here on the farm. Very quiet. It’s also gorgeous! Every inch of the outdoors is glisteny. Yes, beautifully glisteny. The thermometer is reading 33 degrees. The icicles are beginning to melt.
Yes, we have the 4 seasons here in the great state of Iowa, AND EVERYTHING IN-BETWEEN! The wide-spread ice storm is melting, and so far I have not heard any branches come crashing down. The evergreens and deciduous trees have a heavy coat of shellac on them…………thick ice!
And those heavy power lines, covered in ice, remain intact. Thank you, Father!
How easily we take for granted the services people provide for us so that we may stay comfortable. The road crew, the REC, the Highway Patrol, Police force, and Medical field, and it goes on. They stay solid, stand firm work HARD and never waiver so that we Americans may continue to stay safe and sound and comfortable. We Iowans thank you, once again!

We got hit with an ugly (or maybe beautiful) ice storm through the night. Our busy little highway wasn’t ‘atall busy—-only a sand truck now and again.

Mr. Farmer scurried around on our day of rest and “double-hayed” the livestock in case he couldn’t get to all of them.

As I write this post for today, I am being interrupted by my I-phone. The tone was not a text message or a phone call. The alarm tone sounded in the kitchen and I figured the sound came from another device, but it was mine. I dashed to pick it up, wondering what exactly this sound was alerting me to—then I remembered.
I scheduled this alarm to go off morning an evening to remind me to pray—to daily pray for a loved one who needs prayer and support.
My rememberer isn’t as good as it used to be, so I used this modern technology to come to my aid. I kick myself as I think how I should have used this tool many a time and for many a reason. Simple, Easy—EFFECTIVE!

The power of prayer never gets disconnected like our electric power. Never. The line is strong all the way to the throne room of our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, sitting at His right hand. Again………SIMPLE, EASY AND EFFECTIVE!

This line never breaks, never becomes obsolete, never bends under the weight of “HEAVY earthly elements.” Another gift we followers of Christ have been given—this direct line to the throne room. And I will continue to use my phone to remind me about the specifics. I hope you will to.
Hebrews 4:16 “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
Our Heavenly Father has asked us to come…………to bring our heavy burdens and lay them at His feet. He loves us. He takes the burdens and lifts us up so that we can move forward in life, knowing His guiding hand protects and and covers us on our way. His hand also shows us the way to go.
The ice will soon melt and we will be back to the typical January routine in the Midwest. Let our daily routine have a scheduled time of prayer and bible reading to carry us through the “storms” of life.

God’s power line is direct————-it never breaks or bends. Never. And He is always at the other end ready to listen to your every need, every care, every thanks. Why? Because He loves us more than we could ever think or imagine. He is for us!
Friend, please share with us when and where you have your quiet time. We LOVE hearing from you.