Everyone in our family is very excited for the arrival of May. The flowers are bursting in vibrant colors, the birds are chirping each morning, and the men are all busy planting corn and beans each day.
Last week, this excitement led Mom to send us girls a text that read. “What are you doing for May Day?” Through a series of group messages back and forth, we quickly had a fun Farm May Day planned complete with a craft, some outdoor games, a May pole and some fun snacks. We also decided to pack some fun lunches for the daddies and grandpa who are working so hard during this spring planting.
First things first…. the kiddos enjoyed one of Grandma’s adorable May Day cupcakes with a mini-lemonade.
Next, outside to the May pole that Grandpa and Grandma had constructed in the backyard. Wow!
For the May pole activity, the cousins intricately wove a basket weave pattern tangled the ribbons while prancing around the pole having a great time.
Then, Molly introduced us to a fun game called “a Trisket a Trasket.,” which was kind of like duck- duck- goose. Of course, we followed the rules to a t, and exactly two children ran at once.
After the games, we headed inside to make a craft/snack.
And then we packed lunches to be delivered to our hard-working farmers. The kids took this job very seriously. Everyone wanted to make grandpa’s lunch, and he received three bags upon delivery.
Off to deliver the lunch to grandpa first! But right when we were loading up in the pick-up, we felt a sprinkle.
So, Grandpa suggested that we have a picnic in a semi-trailer! So excited and fun! Where should we sit? Maybe on top of these seed corn sacks?
After the picnic lunch, we had a quick visit with the baby calves.
And then the cousins exchanged some May Day Treats.
Our May Day was a fun, homemade, down-home kind of a day on the farm. Just like we like them! Hope you have a wonderful May!