Well, Hello Dolly!

It’s a rainy day out there! Mr. Farmer just texted me saying we’ve gotten 4 1/2″ of rain and it hasn’t quit yet! The crops are simply beautiful and the prices are simply lousy! You never know how the weather will affect the crops, but it always seems to.

What can I prepare (in a hurry) when I find that company is coming? I want something quick, something easy and something delectable………………..like CHOCOLATE! This recipe hits the bulls eye in all 3 categories. It’s one of those “tried and true” ones that I’ve had in my recipe box for over 43 years! (Whoaa……I’m gettin’ up there!!) This little gem came from an old school chum of mine and I actually made it for her when she came to see me when I was a newlywed trying new recipes! There are many names for this recipe. Mine is named Hello Dollies.

This particular recipe calls for all my favorite sweet ingredients—-chocolate and butterscotch chips, coconut and cream of condensed milk. Ya just can’t go wrong with a list like that. It’s also a bar that fits in with Christmas baking and, well…..to be honest……it could pass for candy rather than a cookie bar. (That’s a win-win situation every time. ;)) Hope you’ll mix some up this week and invite over a friend, neighbor or relative—-or surprise your family. My husband LOVES this one.

- 1 stick butter
- 1 C graham cracker crumbs
- 1 C coconut
- 1 C chopped nuts (I prefer black walnuts or pecans)
- 6 oz. pkg butterscotch chips
- 12 oz. pkg semi-sweet chocolate chips
- 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk
- In an 8"x 8" baking pan, melt 1 stick of butter in microwave. Add graham cracker crumbs and form crust in bottom of pan using a fork. Mix coconut and nuts and spread over crust.; then add layer of butterscotch chips, layer of chocolate chips. Pour condensed milk evenly over the top.

Normally I have have all ingredients on hand except for the graham cracker crumbs. Specific items like the graham cracker crumbs and sweetened condensed milk can be placed in the pantry and kept for months so that when you get that urge to have someone over for coffee or just find out someone is in town, this recipe makes a perfect fit for the time frame. And…….who doesn’t LOVE CHOCOLATE, right??

Enjoy and have a great week! Now where are my galoshes?