TNRPLAEP (Pronounced tunnerplape)
Yes, you were introduced to my way of memorizing the the characteristics and ideals of the Christ-follower’s admonishment for thinking from the bible verses of Philippians 4:7,8:
“Finally, brothers (and sisters), whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if there is any excellence, if there is praiseworthy, think on these things.”
Last Tuesday’s message was on the T….truth. Today I will focus on what is NOBLE, the N.
NOBLE–The word is not used so much anymore. By focusing on this beautiful attribute of the Christian life, my hope is for you and for me to capture this beautiful ideal and implement it into your daily life. Yes, daily life.
Whatsoever is Noble.

As believers, God the Father has given us a place in His Family. Wow! The God of the universe calls us to be His children. So now, if we have placed our trust in Jesus, we are heirs with Jesus Christ. We have become children of God. Yes, we truly are kingdom kids of nobility who will live eternally with God. Wow! By being born-again into the kingdom of God, we are of His Nobility. I ask myself, “Do I act like a daughter of the King?” How is my character? Never ever to be smug and arrogant, but to be an example of a woman of righteousness and of high standards. Do I take the high road and step out of gossip when I find a muddy puddle that wants to pull me down? Do I show hospitality whenever I get the chance? Can people trust me? Believe I’m a truth-teller even when I get cornered? Am I gracious? Are more words sprinkled with grace and positivity and truth rather then the moody negatives of can’t, won’t, don’ts? Do I reach for the better but harder way, or do I follow the crowd? Do I intentionally tear someone down when I’ve never gotten a chance to know them, meet them, or begin a relationship with them? Am I proud? Am I arrogant? What does the Lord think of me in terms of His daughter of noble status? That’s what counts.
I am drawn to BBC period series like Larkrise to Candleford, Cranford, Downton Abbey. These series are in settings of the 19th and early 20th centuries. My, how their customs and language are so full of grace. I marvel at how being invited in for tea is so common-place, and the way a newcomer is so well received and helped. What can I do to show more care to people?
The dictionary says a person of nobilty possesses outstanding qualities. Are our qualities outstanding? So outstanding that we are respected? Admired? Honored? I have work to do. How about you?
Whatsoever is NOBLE…..think on this……………..
How is our thinking coming along? If one could peer into our brain, would he or she be inspired, shocked, disappointed?

Thesaurus says:
The thesaurus likens “noble” to high-minded; grand; majestic; princely, stately, illustrious, moral; honorable; high-principled; sterling? These your thoughts? Do your actions follow these high-minded attributes? I hope so! If so, with the Word of God as your foundation, I believe you and I will be an inspiring, positive magnet who bring hope and peace and love and truth into the darkness of sin, hate, lies, corruption and chaos. Let us work hard to be men and women of nobility for Christ.
Yes, the Word of God is our anchor, our Rock, our refuge.
I read my daily devotions in the “One Year Bible”. I love it so much because it takes me into the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. When I see a characteristic or task which I must follow, I write them down in my notebook and try to put them into practice that day……….and on.
Are you of noble character? What would it take for you to say, “Yes, I am”? Do you ever listen to podcasts? They really help me in my spiritual walk. Here are 4 of my favorites:
Revive our Hearts with Nancy De Moss
Sally Clarkson
Focus on the Family
Cissie Graham Lynch
I do hope you will give them a try. I listen while I work, walk, drive. Faith-filled podcasts give my faith a booster shot when I listen!
- When you see or hear something noble this week, please write it down. Or when you make a point of bringing nobility into you daily grind, some how, write it down and let us know here at The Gingham Apron. We truly love to get your feedback. We really do!
- Philippians 4:9 “What you have learned and “received and heard and seen in me (the apostle Paul) practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. “
- Oh, let the God of peace stir your soul, set it on fire and act upon it. Can you imagine how it would be if all Christians were men and women of noble character?
Have a great week, dear ones.
Thank you for this great post. Nobility is indeed a lost word that will have a positive effect of beautiful meekness to our countenance, once we consider the role we have in serving the King. Also in realizing that His majesty and gentle authority are momentarily accessible to us in quietude with His Holy Spirit. Me, humbled by the King having forgiven me yet again. Wow.
Thank you for the beautiful words you wrote. Humbled is where my heart should be 100% of the time as I am blown away that my Lord, the King of the universe and beyond, chose me to be His daughter.
Thank you for your support of The Gingham Apron! Onward and upward!
Your Sister,