Who stops the waves?

My husband had to come to California for work, and he generously invited me to tag along. This morning, we took a walk on the beach, and being the Iowa girl that I am, I was overcome by the magnitude and sheer force of the crashing waves.

Who Stops the waves?

Who Stops the waves?

I was reminded of the verse in the book of Job in which God recounts how he is in control of the waves:

Thus far shall you come, and no farther, here shall your proud waves be stayed! Job 38:11

Who Stops the waves?

I think one of the main reasons I love spending time outside is that I am reminded of God’s utter strength and magnitude. And consequently, I am reminded of my weakness and smallness. And there is rest in those feelings. He is powerfully and perfectly in control of all, and I am not.

Who Stops the waves?

Oh Lord, how many are your works. In wisdom, you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Here is the sea, great and wide, which teems with creatures innumerable, living things both small and great. Psalm 104:24-25.


I thank God for showing himself to us through his creation. Friend, I hope you can spend some time outside thinking about him today.

Who Stops the waves?

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  1. Thank you, Annie, Beautifully written. God’s beauty shows in your pictures and your heart.

  2. Wow! I didn’t realize how much I miss home. Until seeing the beach again. The kids & I would go to the beach, almost every week-end. Thank You Annie, for the beach moment, wonderful pictures & most of all “Psalm 104:24-25.” Have lots of fun! God Bless You! And keep you & your family safe.

    In Christ,
    Deb Harris

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