In Romans chapter 12, the Apostle Paul says, “Always be eager to practice hospitality.”And I really do want to show hospitality, but sometimes, it can be so difficult! I start to wonder if the food that I made will taste ok, if my bathrooms will stay clean until our guests arrive, and if I will have anything interesting to talk about. Do you ever get hung up on thoughts like this as well?
I recently read a book called Your Hospitality Personality by Morgan Tyree. Just listen to the subtitle of this book: How to Confidently Create Connection and Community! Yes! This is just what I desire. To confidently host. To creative community. To make connections.

In the book Morgan helps you identify what type of host YOU are. Did you know that there are different kinds? We’re not all the same, and we can each show love to other through hospitality in different ways. What a relief!

Morgan also writes about the importance of putting others before yourself in hospitality. One of my favorite quotes is “Be a there you are kind of person, not a here I am kind of person (Anne Ortlund), and Morgan emphasizes that you can do this in a way that is comfortable for you.

And what about the food? What if you are not a seasoned cook or if your guests have allergies or if you just don’t enjoy coming up with a fancy menu? Morgan writes about how the most important thing is keeping the guest as the main thing. Again, so much encouragement and relief!

This book is so timely. Since March many of us have been isolated like never before, and we are realizing that we need friends and fellowship more than we ever realized. Morgan writes about how hospitality is a gift that is both given and received, and I couldn’t agree more.

Click here to grab a copy of this book! You’ll love it, you’ll be inspired, and you’ll start showing hospitality with confidence and comfort.
And Morgan is giving a copy away to one lucky winner! Just leave a comment below. Tell us something that you enjoy about hospitality. Maybe you could tell us what your favorite dish is to prepare. Or tell us something that you fear/dislike about showing hospitality. Enter soon; we’ll pick a winner on Wednesday, August 26th.
Our Sunday School class is studying “Just Open the Door” and I’m learning so much about hospitality!!! I’m eager to learn and do more for the glory of God! My favorite things to make are party foods….appetizers, dips, fun punches/drinks.
Oh, we love that book! Jen Schmidt is awesome! I really like how you said, “Do more for the glory of God!”
Sounds like a wonderful & helpful book to help with hostessing & hospitality. Even at my age, I can use wonderful suggestions such as these when having anyone into my home, whether foe a meal or a visit. Sometimes seeing these suggestions in PRINT makes a huge impact. I am a visual person so this is extremely helpful. Thank you for all your wonderful hints & Scriptural references. Blessings, Phyllis
Yes, I love having books in print as well. Thank you for reading The Gingham Apron!
I love having people, but get nervous that the food will be bad! But I try to remind myself true friends don’t care.
I do the same thing. I don’t want to get nervous, but I do!
Hey, Mandi! Thanks so much for entering the giveaway for this book. You’re the winner. Please watch for a package from the author, Morgan Tyree. I hope you love the book as much as I did.
This book sounds real interesting .I would love to read it